Table 1.

Frequency of neurons expressing VGluT2 mRNA containing or lacking TH immunoreactivity in the PBP or the PNa

Percentage of VGluT2-only neurons or VGluT2-TH neurons within the total population of VGluT2 mRNA-expressing neuronsPercentage of TH-only neurons or VGluT2-TH neurons within the total population of TH-IR neurons
VGluT2-only neuronsVGluT2-TH neuronsTH-only neuronsVGluT2-TH neurons
PBP mediolateral distance from the RLib
    0–200 μm
        Subject 178.8% (n = 53)21.2% (n = 13)44.2% (n = 10)55.8% (n = 13)
        Subject 265.5% (n = 55)34.5% (n = 29)40.7% (n = 20)59.3% (n = 29)
        Subject 372.7% (n = 40)27.3% (n = 15)11.8% (n = 2)88.2% (n = 15)
        Mean ± SEM72.3 ± 3.2% (n = 148)27.7 ± 3.2% (n = 57)36.3 ± 6.4% (n = 32)63.6 ± 6.4% (n = 57)
    200–400 μm
        Subject 182.4% (n = 41)17.6% (n = 8)42.9% (n = 6)57.1% (n = 8)
        Subject 270.6% (n = 36)29.4% (n = 14)34.1% (n = 7)65.9% (n = 14)
        Subject 390.4% (n = 47)9.6% (n = 5)37.5% (n = 3)62.5% (n = 5)
        Mean ± SEM79.3 ± 5.4% (n = 124)20.7 ± 5.4% (n = 27)38.3 ± 2.2% (n = 16)61.7 ± 2.2% (n = 27)
PN mediolateral distance from the IFc
    0–200 μm
        Subject 174.6% (n = 47)25.4% (n = 16)47.9% (n = 15)52.1% (n = 16)
        Subject 272.7% (n = 8)27.3% (n = 3)76.9% (n = 10)23.1% (n = 3)
        Subject 380.0% (n = 12)20.0% (n = 3)40.0% (n = 2)60.0% (n = 3)
        Mean ± SEM75.5 ± 1.5% (n = 67)24.5 ± 1.5% (n = 22)53.2 ± 8.3% (n = 27)46.8 ± 8.3% (n = 22)
  • aVGluT2-only neurons (expressing VGluT2 mRNA but lacking TH immunoreactivity), VGluT2-TH neurons (coexpressing VGluT2 mRNA and TH immunoreactivity), or TH-only neurons (containing TH immunoreactivity but lacking VGluT2 mRNA) were counted in every 16th 5-μm-thick coronal section from three different rats (subjects 1–3) at the level of −5.28 mm from bregma. n, Number of counted neurons within each segment from a total of three sections, with each section from a different rat.

  • bNeurons were counted from the medial (border between the rostral linear nucleus, RLi, and the PBP) to the lateral aspects of the PBP within two segments (0–200 and 200–400 μm).

  • cNeurons were counted from the medial (border between the interfascicular nucleus, IF, and the PN) to the lateral aspects of the PN within a 0–200 μm segment.