Table 1.

Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of striatal MS neurons and striatal FS interneurons

MS neuron (n = 14)FS interneuron (n = 12)
Days in vitro48  ± 440  ± 3
 Resting potential (mV)−75  ± 2−64  ± 2*
 Input resistance at rest (MΩ)121  ± 1187  ± 12
 Membrane time constant1-a (msec)13  ± 18  ± 1**
 Spike threshold1-b (mV)−46  ± 1−45  ± 3
 Spike overshoot (mV)2  ± 2−13  ± 3**
 Spike amplitude1-c (mV)47  ± 229  ± 2*
 Spike half width1-d(msec)1.4  ± 0.10.7  ± 0.1*
 Max rise of spike (V/sec)104  ± 1295  ± 13
 Max fall of spike (V/sec)−40  ± 4−55  ± 7
 Ratio of max rise/max fall2.6  ± 0.21.8  ± 0.1
 Max of AHP(mV)10  ± 1.314  ± 2
 Time of AHP (msec)8.6  ± 1.34.1  ± 0.6*
 Somatic cross-sectional area (μm2)93  ± 16200  ± 23*
 Somatic cross-sectional area12  ± 119  ± 1*
 Long axis (μm)
 Somatic cross-sectional area9  ± 113  ± 1*
 Short axis (μm)
 Number of primary dendrites5.4  ± 0.33.3  ± 0.4*
 Dendritic area (μm2)37,400  ± 7,50096,300  ± 22,200*
 Dendritic area long axis (μm)261  ± 17453  ± 53*
 Dendritic area short axis (μm)179  ± 23280  ± 48*
  • Results are mean ± SEM. (Mann–Whitney U test; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.005).

  • F1-a Linear regression analysis within ±5–10 mV from resting membrane potential.

  • F1-b Measured using depolarizing current pulses from resting potential.

  • F1-c Spike threshold to spike peak.

  • F1-d Action potential started when the rising rate exceeded 5% of its maximum value.