Table 2.

Summary of phenotypic effects of GAP-43 mutations

MutationFunctional consequences
G19Ser 41 → GlyCannot be phosphorylated by PKC
(equivalent to Ser 41 → Ala)Binds calmodulin constitutively
Enlarged endosomes
Deficient in depolarized-induced FM1-43 fluorescence
CAMDelete calmodulinCannot bind calmodulin
binding domainSmaller endosomes
Enhancement of depolarization-induced FM1-43 fluorescence
AspSer 41 → AspMimics phosphorylation of Ser 41 by PKC
Cannot bind calmodulin
Enhancement of depolarization-induced FM1-43 fluorescence
Greater depletion of FM1-43 fluorescence after second high-K+treatment