Table 2.

Inhibitors of the FGFr-diacylglycerol pathway inhibit NCAM and FGF-induced increased GAP-43 phosphorylation

Control47.2  ± 3.598.2  ± 4.0*60.4  ± 7.1**
αFGFR44.1  ± 4.263.9  ± 3.1***47.7  ± 4.5
76642.1  ± 3.874.4  ± 2.69***45.9  ± 8
766P36.4  ± 2.639.2  ± 3.435.9  ± 4.7
RHC-8026742.6  ± 6.838.4  ± 5.937.5  ± 5.0
  • IGS prepared from P2 mice forebrains were treated at 37°C with either Krebs’s buffer alone or containing αFGFR antiserum, used at 1:200; the peptide 766 and its phosphorylated form 766P, used at 5 μg/ml; or the diacylglygerol lipase inhibitor RHC-80267, used at 10 μg/ml. After 30 min the samples were centrifuged and resuspended in either buffer alone or buffer containing NCAM-Fc, used at 5 μg/ml or FGF2, used at 25 ng/ml. After 15 min the samples quickly were frozen in liquid nitrogen. Equal amounts of total protein (5 μg) were slot-blotted in triplicate, and parallel blots were reacted with the mAb 2G12 to detect phosphorylated GAP-43 or with 7B10 to detect total GAP-43. Immunoreactivity was detected with an iodinated secondary antibody and quantitated by a phosphorimager. The results show the specific activity of phosphorylated GAP-43 and are the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM. Specific activities were compared with controls, using two-tailed Student’s t test.

  • *p < 0.001; **p > 0.05; ***p > 0.01.