Table 1.

Table of symbols

VTransmembrane voltage (relative to resting potential)mV
dDiameter of the dendritic cylindercm
Length of the dendritic cylindercm
xPhysical distance from the origin (usually the soma)cm
Gm(x)Specific membrane conductanceS/cm2
m = 1/ℓ ∫0Gm(x)dxAverage membrane conductanceS/cm2
γm(x) = Gm(x)/ G̅mDimensionless membrane conductanceDimensionless
Rm(x)Specific membrane resistanceΩcm2
RiSpecific cytoplasm resistivityΩcm
ri = 4Ri/(πd2)Internal resistance per unit length of cylinderΩ/cm
CmSpecific membrane capacitanceF /cm2
αSlope parameter (−1 ≤ α ≤ 1)Dimensionless
λ(x) = Embedded ImageSpace constant (nonuniform case)cm
λu = Embedded ImageSpace constant (uniform case)cm
L = ∫0 dx/λ(x)Generalized electrotonic lengthDimensionless
Lu = ℓ/λuElectrotonic length (uniform case)Dimensionless
Xu = x/λuDistance from location x to origin, in units of the uniform space constant Dimensionless
Rin(x)Input resistance at location xΩ
Gin(x) = 1/Rin(x)Input conductance at location xS
Rx,yTransfer resistance from location x to location yΩ
IaAxial currentA
Gu = (π/2) Embedded ImageInput conductance of a semi-infinite uniform cylinderS
GLAxial leak conductance at boundaryS
B = GL/GuBoundary conditionDimensionless
τm(x) = Cm/Gm(x)Local membrane time constantsec
τmu = Cm/ G̅mMembrane time constant (uniform case)sec
τnu, τnsn -th equalizing time constant (uniform and slope case, respectively)sec
δ(x), δ(t )Delta function
𝒢 (x, y, t)Green function
gsynSynaptic conductanceS
EsynSynaptic reversal potentialmV