Table 1.

The expression of rat Y5 mRNA in areas of rat brain and brainstem

Rat brain regionsIntensity
Olfactory tubercle++
Olfactory tract+++
Islands of Calleja+
Nucleus of horizontal diagonal band+
Lateral globus pallidus++
Caudate putamen
Nucleus accumbens
Lateral septum
 Supraoptic n+++
 Paraventricular n
 Dorsomedial n++
 Ventromedial n+++
 Lateral n++
 Anterior n+
 Arcuate n+++
 Retrochiasmatic n+++
 Suprachiasmatic n++
 Medial preoptic n+++
 Lateral mammillary n+++
 Tuberomammillary n++
 Median eminence+++
 Tuber cinereum++
 Dentate gyrus+++
 Anterior amygdala n
 Cortex-amygdala trans zone+++
 Anterior cortical amygdaloid n+++
 Posterior cortical amygdaloid n++
 Basomedial amygdaloid n+/−
 Basolateral amygdaloid n+
 Lateral amygdaloid n+
 Purkinje cells++
 Basket cells
 Granule cells
 Deep cerebellar n++
Thalamic nuclei
 Paraventricular n++
 Anterodorsal n++
 Laterodorsal n++
 Ventrolatelar n+++
 Ventroposterior n+++
 Intermediodorsal n++
 Rhomboid n++
 Reuniens n++
 Anteroventral n++
 Mediodorsal n++
 Reticular n++
 Medial habenular n++
Subthalamic nucleus+++
Sup and inf colliculi
Basal n of Meynert+
Substantia nigra+++
Pontine nuclei+++
Olivary n++
Locus coeruleus+++
Reticulotegmental n pons++
Ventral cochlear n+++
Motor root of trigeminal n+++
Red nucleus+++
  • + corresponds to low levels of hybridization signal, ++ to moderate levels of signal, and +++ to high levels of signal. − indicates the region was examined and was negative for hybridization.