Table 2.

Spontaneous cortical discharge rates in control, activity-blocked, and neurotrophin-treated activity-blocked organotypic cerebellar cultures

CulturesNo. of units recordedCortical spikes/sec (mean ± SEM)
Control (n = 6)210.73  ± 0.14
Mg2+/TTX (n = 11)411.20  ± 0.11
Mg2+/TTX/BDNF (n = 12)410.75  ± 0.07
Control (n = 9)250.61  ± 0.06
Mg2+/TTX (n = 11)461.39  ± 0.14
Mg2+/TTX/NT-3 (n = 10)341.48  ± 0.23
Control (n = 8)360.78  ± 0.09
Mg2+/TTX (n = 11)411.65  ± 0.22
Mg2+/TTX/NT-4 (n = 9)420.91  ± 0.07
  • Cortical activity was recorded extracellulary from control, activity-blocked, and neurotrophin-treated activity-blocked cultures between 14 and 16 DIV. Activity-blocked and neurotrophin-treated activity-blocked cultures were allowed to recover for at least 45 min before collection of data (see Materials and Methods). n is the number of cerebellar cultures from which the data were obtained. One-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD multiple comparisons test indicates the following. (1) The untreated activity-blocked cultures in all cases exhibited higher discharge rates than the controls (p = 0.013, p = 0.010, andp < 0.001, respectively). (2) The BDNF- or NT-4-treated activity-blocked cultures had cortical activity similar to controls and significantly different from the untreated activity-blocked cultures (p = 0.003 and 0.002, respectively). (3) The NT-3-treated activity-blocked cultures had discharge rates similar to the untreated activity-blocked group.