Table 2.

Reliability and precision of spikes during injection of steady excitatory stimuli

StimulusnReliability (%)Precision (msec)
Current step10  (5)17  ± 112.87  ± 0.44
AMPA12  (5)60  ± 131.75  ± 0.52
AMPA + NMDA18  (8)49  ± 212.30  ± 0.39
Synchronous5  (3)76  ± 111.61  ± 0.49
  • Each analyzed ensemble comprises 10–20 trials. Mean firing frequency was between 5 and 25 Hz. n = number of ensembles analyzed (number of cells in parentheses). For the synchronous compound AMPA–NMDA stimulus, τb was 0.1 sec and λb was 2 sec−1. The first 200 msec of each trial was excluded from analysis. Each value is average ± SD.