Table 4.

Protection by the uncrossed efferent pathways from loud sound-induced threshold shifts in a noise background can be elicited by monaural stimulation

Comparison groups/treatments4-aANOVAF and p values (Interaction = group × frequency interaction)t test type4-b and df4-cFrequency range with significant differences4-d and parameters of significance
A. Cochlear protection from loud sound-induced TTS can be elicited by monaural loud sound in a monaural noise background
Silence 1 (OC+)Noise 6 (OC+)GroupF = 0.185; p > 0.6
Monaural exposureMonaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 1.028; p = 0.4
Noise 3 OC−Noise 6 (OC+)Group F = 25.44; p < 0.001One-tail, df = 1012–28 kHz; t always > 2.06; pgenerally p < 0.01
Binaural exposure in noiseMonaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 6.022; p < 0.001
B. Cochlear protection from loud sound-induced TTS elicited in the monaural condition is attributable to only the uncrossed efferent pathways
Noise 6 (OC+)Noise 7 OC−GroupF = 42.22; p < 0.001One-tail, df = 99–28 kHz; t always > 2.65; p generally < 0.005
Monaural exposure in noiseMonaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 8.51; p < 0.001
Noise 7 COC−Noise 7 OC−Group F = 111.7; p < 0.001One-tail, df = 810–28 kHz;t always > 2.43; p generally < 0.005
Monaural exposure in noiseMonaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 12.34; p < 0.001
Noise 6 (OC+)Noise 7 COC−Group F = 0.068; p = 0.8
Monaural exposure in noiseMonaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 0.53; p = 0.9
C. Cochlear protection obtained through the uncrossed efferent pathways in the monaural condition is not as large as the cochlear protection obtained through crossed and uncrossed efferent pathways in the binaural condition
Noise 7 COC−Noise 3 OC+Group F = 6.57; p < 0.05One-tail, df = 911–16 kHz; t always > 2.29; pgenerally < 0.01
Monaural exposure in noiseBinaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 1.33; p = 0.18
Noise 7 COC−Noise 4 (COC−)Group F = 0.018; p = 0.9
Monaural exposure in noiseBinaural exposure in noiseInteraction F = 0.58; p = 0.9
  • F4-a Noise 6 and 7 were tested with the loud tone monaurally in a background of monaural ipsilateral noise at 80 dB SPL. OC+ = all olivocochlear efferent pathways were intact to that group/treatment ears, OC− = all efferent pathways were lesioned, and COC− = only the crossed efferent pathways lesioned (leaving uncrossed efferent pathways intact).

  • F4-b t tests were performed when the ANOVA indicated significant differences.

  • F4-c Degrees of freedom.

  • F4-d Frequencies for which tvalues were significant at α = 0.05 (i.e., p at least < 0.05).