Table 2.

Serotonin secretion from rat raphe neurons in primary culture

[3H]Serotonin secretion (%)
No pretreatmentPretreatment with TeNt
Control13.0  ± 1.47.3  ± 0.47
50 mm K+33.0  ± 112.3  ± 0.48
  • Raphe neurons (11 d in vitro) were treated with solvent or with 1 nm TeNt and further cultivated for another 2 d. [3H]Serotonin secretion was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Release is given as percentage of total [3H]serotonin present at the start of the experiment and represents the mean of three individual cultures ± SD. Note that TeNt pretreatment reduced basal as well as stimulated release.