Table 2.

Rescue of PHM lethality produced by differentgal4/UAS-PHM combinations

Potential rescued PHM mosaic (i.e., Cy+)2-159 Cy+2-159 Cy% of Cy+ expected
y w;PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;36Y-gal4/+80138110
y w;c929-gal4,PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;11038167
y w;PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;386Y-gal4/+3211267
y w;c929-gal4,PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;36Y-gal4/+2851107
y w;c929-gal4,PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;D42-gal4/+217468
y w;c929-gal4,PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;Appl(3GK)/+3759116
y w;c929-gal4,PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;tim(2-15916)-gal4/+7616993
y w;PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;tim(2-15916)-gal4/+0850
y w;PHM01/UAS-PHM,PHM02 ;tim(2-15967)-gal4/+0770
  • F2-159 Cy+, The number of rescued PHM mutant animals (adults not displaying the marker for the Balancer chromosome and therefore trans-heterozygous for the two PHMalleles);

  • Cy, the number of heterozygous PHMmutant animals (adults displaying the marker for the Balancer chromosome, CyO); % of Cy+ expected, percentage of PHM mutant animals observed and/or expected.