Table 2.

NOS inhibitors increase cell number, brain volume, and cell density in the tadpole brain

Control, 3 dl-NAME, 3 dChange (% of control)Control, 7 dl-NAME, 7 dChange (% of control)ETU, 7 dChange (% of control)
Cell number3644  ± 1585136  ± 339*140.98373  ± 92813742  ± 510*164.112870  ± 690*153.7
Volume (mm3 × 10−4)52.7  ± 3.867.8  ± 9.1128.799.4  ± 4.9107.0  ± 3.7107.6123.0  ± 4.3*123.7
Cell density (cells/mm3 × 10−4)69  ± 776  ± 11110.184  ± 6128  ± 10*152.4105  ± 3*125.0
BrdU-positive cells (total)133  ± 13499  ± 402-160375.2141  ± 10424  ± 40*300.7537  ± 25*380.9
BrdU-positive cells/103 cells (BrdU index)37  ± 397  ± 52-160262.117  ± 231  ± 3*182.442  ± 3*247.1
TUNEL-positive cells (total)115  ± 7168  ± 162-160146.183  ± 8123  ± 12*148.2179  ± 25*215.7
TUNEL-positive cells/103 cells (TUNEL index)32  ± 333  ± 4103.110  ± 19  ± 190.014  ± 4140.0
  • Tadpole brains were implanted with pieces of Elvax impregnated with NOS inhibitors l-NAME and ETU or saline solution as a control. Data were collected as described in Table 1. The number of sections encompassing the optic tectum did not differ significantly between control and treated animals after 3 d (4 ± 1 in all groups; p = 0.2) or 7 d (5 ± 1 in all groups; p = 0.3) of treatment. Changes after 3 d of treatment with l-NAME or saline were analyzed as described in Table 1 (*p < 0.05;

  • F2-160 p < 0.01). Data collected after 7 d of treatment with l-NAME, ETU, or saline were subjected to one-way ANOVA with treatment (F(2,6) = 15.58; p = 0.004) as the main effect. Two pair-wise subsequent planned comparisons were adjusted for experiment-wise error rate (α = 0.05) by using a critical value of α′ = 0.025. For this experiment,

  • * p < 0.025. Inhibition of NOS during Xenopus brain development resulted in multiple changes. Proliferation as measured by BrdU index was significantly increased. After 3 d of treatment, the BrdU index of the brain treated with l-NAME was 262.1% larger (p< 0.01; F = 107) than in the control animals. It remained higher after 7 d of treatment with both inhibitors: 182.4% of control after treatment with l-NAME (p < 0.025; F = 5.0) and 247.1% after treatment with ETU (p < 0.01; F = 15). Total cell number in the treated brain was also significantly increased: to 140.9% of control (p < 0.05;F = 15.9) after 3 d of treatment withl-NAME, to 164.1% of control (p < 0.01;F = 27) after 7 d of treatment withl-NAME, and to 153.7% of control (p < 0.01; F = 18.9) after 7 d of treatment with ETU. Volume was significantly increased after 7 d of treatment with ETU to 123.7% of control (p < 0.025; F = 7). Cell density significantly increased after 7 d of treatment with l-NAME to 152.4% of control (p < 0.01; F = 19.5) or with ETU to 125% of control (p < 0.025; F = 4). Changes in cell number were not accompanied by significant changes in the rate of programmed cell death as measured by TUNEL index.