Table 1.

Nicotine SA is associated with an increase in the number of injections and number of SAEs during 9 hr microdialysis sessions

Acquisition (day 1)9.5  ± 8.65.0  ± 1.711.8  ± 7.86.0  ± 1.8
Early maintenance1-15931.5  ± 3.6*12.6  ± 1.21-16015.7  ± 5.16.7  ± 0.8
Later maintenance1-15931.5  ± 6.1*14.9  ± 1.71-16013.8  ± 3.76.5  ± 1.1
  • F1-159 F(3,31) = 3.19, p < 0.05 for comparison of the number of injections received by the nicotine versus saline groups in early and later maintenance; F(3,31) = 9.98,p < 0.01 for comparison of the number of SAEs.

  • * p < 0.05 or

  • F1-160 p< 0.01 for post hoc comparisons with saline.