Table 5.

Size of motoneurons in μm2 in MuSK null mutant mice (MuSK−/−) and their wild-type littermates

MuSK+/+(μm2)MuSK−/− (μm2)% increase
Trochlear151  ± 4 (50)161  ± 4 (81)+7
Trigeminal motor210  ± 4 (105)218  ± 4 (100)+4
Facial205  ± 5 (91)212  ± 5 (93)+3
Hypoglossal197  ± 5 (85)193  ± 5 (106)−2
  • Motoneurons from three wild-type animals and three MuSK−/− mice were analyzed for each of four cranial nuclei. MuSK+/+ and MuSK−/− values are the average ± SEM. The values in parentheses indicate the number of cells examined. Percentages (%) refer to the increase in the number of motoneurons with respect to the controls (MuSK+/+).