Table 1.

Somatic and axonal properties of dentate granule cells

TreatmentSoma areaFurthest region reached by axon (semiquantitative)Giant mossy fiber bouton numberBranch number* (0–50 μm)Branch number* (50–100 μm)
GFP73.5 (46–109) (n = 14)3 (1–5) (n = 14)0.50 (0–12) (n = 14)0 (0–5) (n = 30)2.0 (0–8) (n = 29)
GFP + NGF69.5 (50–174) (n = 10)2 (1–5) (n = 9)0.00 (0–8) (n = 9)0 (0–4) (n = 11)2.5 (0–5) (n = 6)
GFP + BDNF90.4 (45–200) (n = 19)3 (2–5) (n = 18)0.75 (0–6) (n = 18)2.0 (0–8)1-160 (n = 33)2.0 (0–5) (n = 31)
  • Values represent medians with ranges and number of neurons analyzed in parentheses. The number of neurons analyzed varies for some measures because not all axons could be reconstructed.

  • * Data from all experiments combined.

  • F1-160 Significantly different from GFP and GFP + NGF;p < 0.001.