Table 1.

Quantitative evaluation of the growth of Purkinje cell dendrites and the density of Purkinje cells

Culture conditionsLongest dendrite (μm)Branching points (number/cell)Cell density (cells/150 μm PL)
Control81.3  ± 3.1 (48)56.2  ± 5.1 (20)4.4  ± 0.3 (28)
CS-D75.1  ± 4.5 (22)54.2  ± 5.1 (13)4.4  ± 0.2 (17)
Control IgG82.1  ± 5.2 (24)56.3  ± 5.6 (17)4.2  ± 0.2 (27)
α6B4PG71.4  ± 3.0 (36)52.8  ± 7.1 (15)4.0  ± 0.3 (25)
  • Cerebellar slices derived from P9 rats were cultured for 6 d with or without CS-D (50 μg/ml), control IgG (200 μg/ml), and α6B4PG (200 μg/ml). For measurement of the length of the longest dendrite per cell and counting the number of dendritic branching points per cell, confocal microscopic images of slice cultures stained by immunohistochemistry using an antibody against IP3R were analyzed. For analysis of the density of Purkinje cells, cryosections of slice cultures were stained by immunohistochemistry using an antibody against IP3R, and the IP3R-positive cells within 150 μm of the PL were enumerated in confocal microscopic images of 2-μm-thick optical sections. Values are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n). Statistical analysis using Student'st test detected no significant difference between any set of conditions.