Table 1.

Active Mandarin tone discrimination versus passive Mandarin listening

Gyrus or region BA xyz Z Score
Mandarin speakers
Left hemisphere
Anterior insula 45 −27 24 4 5.30
Putamen −20 4 4 4.12
Thalamus −10 −22 14 4.27
Inferior fusiform gyrus 36 −44 −48 −18 3.77
Precentral gyrus 6 −49 −6 40 3.74
Insula −32 14 8 4.06
Fusiform gyrus 37 −34 −60 −12 3.77
Medial frontal gyrus 6 0 16 44 3.62
Left cerebellum
Crus I −14 −80 −24 3.53
Culmen (IV) −4 −46 −4 4.30
Right hemisphere
Postcentral gyrus 3 56 −20 38 3.92
Middle frontal gyrus 6 44 −2 48 3.42
Right cerebellum
Declive (vermis) (VI) 6 −70 −12 3.36
Declive (vermis) (VI) 10 −66 −24 3.59
English speakers
Left hemisphere
Middle frontal gyrus 10 −22 54 −8 4.25
Anterior cingulate 24 −2 18 22 3.61
Supramarginal gyrus 40 −38 −40 32 3.56
Frontal subgyral 6 −20 −12 48 4.94
Anterior cingulate gyrus 24 −8 0 46 4.45
Frontal subgyral 2 −30 −22 38 3.36
Anterior cingulate gyrus 24 −2 12 34 3.18
Middle temporal gyrus 39 −28 −54 28 3.21
Superior temporal gyrus 22 −48 6 −4 4.02
Caudate nucleus −3 18 13 3.30
Parietal subgyral 7 −22 −50 39 3.67
Frontal subgyral 44 −42 6 20 3.27
Frontal subgyral 6 −34 −4 32 2.98
Right hemisphere
Precentral gyrus 6 42 −2 28 4.36
Insula 38 16 2 5.77
Middle frontal gyrus 6 24 2 44 5.02
Frontal subgyral 4 36 −12 38 3.90
Insula 30 9 −4 4.51
Inferior frontal gyrus 47 28 20 −8 4.28
Anterior cingulate gyrus 32 6 14 40 3.67
Anterior cingulate gyrus 24 20 −14 46 4.07
Frontal subgyral 2 36 −24 32 3.70
Midbrain 12 −20 −12 4.42
Frontal subgyral 3 30 −22 46 4.25
Anterior cingulate gyrus 32 10 20 36 3.64
  • Local maxima in regions demonstrating rCBF increases (p < 0.001). Brain atlas coordinates (Talairach and Tournoux, 1998) are in millimeters along left-right (x), anteroposterior (y), and superior-inferior (z) axes.