Table 2.

Quantification of pyknotic nuclei in the VB on thionine-stained coronal sections from control wild-type (+/+) and control NMDAR1 knock-out (−/−) neonates, as well as animals treated with MK-801 or PCP (0.5 or 8 mg/kg, s.c., respectively, to dams starting 24 hr before birth at t = 0,8, and 16 hr)

PO controls PO MK-801 PO PCP
I 4:6 3:6 2:4 4:6 2:4 4:7
II 4:7 4:8 4:7 4:8 3:5 4:7
III 4:8 4:8 4:6 4:8 3:6 4:8
IV 3:5 3:4 4:6 4:5 3:4 4:8
Pyknotic nuclei/mm2 ± SD
I 394 ± 147 1547 ± 451 1065 ± 405 799 ± 412 505 ± 282 486 ± 160
II 337 ± 173 1302 ± 714 666 ± 523 1005 ± 714 738 ± 554 963 ± 505
III 106 ± 83 974 ± 225 397 ± 232 941 ± 734 509 ± 416 1118 ± 544
IV 30 ± 13 120 ± 79 95 ± 46 71 ± 62 30 ± 18 51 ± 15
  • Four anatomically matched rostrocaudal levels were analyzed (I-IV). Levels are as in Figure 1C.