Table 3.

Orthogonal contrasts characterizing effects of stimulus on egr-1 expression in toral subdivisions

Contrast code Laminar (df = 40) Midline (df = 39) Principal (df = 40) Ventral (df = 40)
Contrast S, E, C, W, WC t p t p t p t p
Sound versus no sound -4, 1, 1, 1, 1 1.827 0.076 1.443 0.158 0.477 0.636 1.653 0.107
Salient versus nonsalient 0, -1, -1, 1, 1 2.645 0.012 0.843 0.405 1.181 0.245 0.617 0.541
Whine versus whine-chuck 0, 0, 0, -1, 1 0.449 0.656 2.432 0.020 2.053 0.047 0.967 0.340
  • For each brain regions, the first column indicates the test statistic t, and the second contains the associated p value with degrees of freedom (df) listed in column headers. Abbreviations for stimuli as in Figure 4 legend.