Table 4.
Table 4.

Effect of clonidine on the mean amplitude of responses in specific cutaneous pathways

  • Same display as in Table 2. The effect of clonidine is reported according to the afferents (CCS, MPL, and SP) and motoneurons (FHL, LGS, MG, Pl, SmAB, EDL, FDL, and PBSt). Pathways (R1, R2, or R3) significantly modified by clonidine (7 of 65 tested pathways) are represented as filled circles in shams and as empty circles in trained cats. The percentage is calculated by comparing the mean amplitude obtained after clonidine to the one obtained before clonidine. The number of trials for each pathway in the corresponding motor pool is reported in the second (sham) and third (trained) columns. A zero indicates that there was not enough data to perform statistical tests in that group.