Table 7.

Areas of activation affected by feedback outside of the striatum: random trials with positive feedback versus negative feedback

BA xyz Voxels t max
Ran-P > Ran-N
Right hippocampus 24 −20 −4 4330 6.7
Left parahippocampal gyrus 27,30 −12 −35 2 3035 5.0
Left fusiform gyrus 36 −16 −30 −13 735 4.7
Left fusiform gyrus 19 −24 −50 −10 689 5.4
Left superior frontal 6 −16 14 54 3884 4.6
Right anterior cingulate 32 15 24 41 7250 5.0
Left posterior cingulate 7 −15 −48 41 5553 5.7
Right posterior cingulate 7 19 −41 46 1513 5.5
Bilateral precuneus 7 −4 −76 43 11179 6.6
  • Ran-N > Ran-P, No significant clusters.