Table 2.

MUS infusion BEFORE satiation

Food 1 satiation Food 2 satiation
Monkey Baseline probe Infusion probe Difference score Baseline probe Infusion probe Difference score Cumulative baseline Cumulative infusion Cumulative difference score
OH 28 28 0 1 3 2 29 31 2
OK 26 26 0 2 6 4 28 32 4
OG 29 23 −6 1 1 0 30 24 −6
JN 30 29 −1 1 9 8 31 38 7
ZC 30 24 −6 1 11 10 31 35 4
GR 23 13 −10 17 11 −6 40 24 −16
Average 28 24 −4 4 7 3 32 31 −1
  • The number of objects rewarded with the devalued food that the monkeys chose in the infusion probe session subsequent to MUS infusions BEFORE selective satiation and in the preceding baseline probe session. Difference score represents the numerical difference between the number of objects chosen in the baseline probe session and in the infusion probe session.