Table 1.

Whole-brain analysis of sensory correspondence and perceptual fusion

Region xyztp
Perceptual fusion: fused > unfused
Left Heschl's gyrus −40 −32 8 5.94 0.0016
Left STS −46 −28 0 5.12 0.0050
Perceptual fusion: unfused > fused
Right STS 48 −42 10 4.32 0.0166
Right medial superior frontal gyrus (supplementary motor area) 4 −4 54 4.62 0.0105
Sensory correspondence: synchronous > offset (None)
Sensory correspondence: offset > synchronous SC 0 −30 −8 4.89 0.0070
Left intraparietal sulcus −38 −46 56 4.16 0.0214
Left intraparietal sulcus/postcentral sulcus −48 −30 48 4.07 0.0248
Right supramarginal gyrus 36 −48 36 3.92 0.0315
52 −38 42 6.16 0.0012
Left middle frontal gyrus −26 44 30 6.21 0.0011
−34 44 16 4.34 0.0161
Right medial temporal lobe 22 −20 −8 5.12 0.0050
Right precentral sulcus 44 8 20 7.07 0.0004
Right superior frontal sulcus 14 2 66 5.02 0.0057
Right inferior frontal sulcus 30 18 26 4.29 0.0174
Left anterior cingulate gyrus −2 6 36 4.27 0.0180
Anterior cingulate sulcus (bilateral) 2 24 48 4.95 0.0064
  • Peak coordinates are in millimeters in MNI space. Positive t values are presented for each side of a contrast, with p values two-tailed and corrected as described in Materials and Methods. See supplemental material (available at