Table 2.

Simple regression analysis of the relationship between the number of infected AP neurons and the number of infected forebrain neurons in control rats from both age groups

Forebrain region
Age (n) PVN BNST CeAm CeAl Ctx-IN Ctx-PL/IL
P4-P6 (5) 0.982* 0.866* 0.960* 0.786ns
P8-P10 (5) 0.968* 0.947* 0.950* 0.948* 0.949* 0.893*
  • Values presented are correlation coefficients. Regression analyses were performed on log-transformed data that met assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity (see Results). —, No infection; CeAm, medial CeA; CeAl, lateral CeA; Ctx, cortex; IN, insular; PL/IL, prelimbic/infralimbic.

  • * Statistically significant (p < 0.05); ns, not significant (p > 0.05).