Table 2.

Differences between heavier and lighter than predicted (interaction term)

Anatomical regionTalairach coordinatesPeak Z scoreCluster sizep valuea
(Change to heavier − No change heavy) − (Change to lighter − No change light)
    Left central sulcus (M1/S1)−45−18514.78bEmbedded Image222<0.001
    Left precentral gyrus (M1)−27−24634.55b
    Left postcentral gyrus (S1)−24−33664.10c
(Change to lighter − No change light) − (Change to heavier − No change heavy)
    Right lateral cerebellum (lobule VI/Crus I)15−78−274.09460.038
  • a p values are given at the cluster level after correction for multiple comparisons in the entire brain space.

  • b p < 0.01 corrected based on small volume correction based on sphere around peak voxel taken from Schmitz et al. (2005).

  • c Secondary peak corresponding to p < 0.001 uncorrected.