Table 1.

Areas of greater activation with the SHORT interval reproduction task compared with the LONG interval reproduction task

BAMNI coordinates of peak activation Z value of peak activationp value*
Frontal cortex
    L anterior cingulate32−24084.800.025**
    R superior frontal gyrus81046523.99<0.001
        R superior and mesial frontal gyrus6/8638603.74<0.001
    L middle frontal gyrus8−4018443.79<0.001
    L superior frontal gyrus8−1248443.71<0.001
    L superior frontal gyrus10−1854243.54<0.001
    R superior and mesial frontal gyrus9/10856243.180.001
Temporal cortex
    L middle frontal gyrus21−58−24−124.21<0.001
        L superior temporal cortex22−48−24−23.52<0.001
Basal ganglia
    L caudate nucleus−14−10203.150.001
    R cerebellar hemisphere (Crus I)36−74−383.120.001
  • *p > 0.001, uncorrected.

  • **p > 0.05, familywise error. L, Left; R, right.