Table 1.

Secreted ligands and growth factors overexpressed by neurocytoma

SymbolDescriptionGene IDNeurocytoma vs adult VZNeurocytoma vs adult NSP
LOC492304IGF2-associated protein49230479.99 ± 9.32 (p = 3 × 10−6)5.17 ± 0.62 (p = 2 × 10−4)
IGF2Insulin-like growth factor 2348152.36 ± 6.73 (p = 6 × 10−6)9.36 ± 1.23 (p = 7 × 10−5)
SERPINF1Serpin PEDF517622.67 ± 11.9 (p = 2 × 10−3)8.89 ± 4.69 (p = 8 × 10−3)
CXCL12Chemokine ligand 12 (SCDF1)638715.55 ± 3.77 (p = 3 × 10−4)3.64 ± 0.90 (p = 5 × 10−3)
JAG1Jagged118214.34 ± 2.06 (p = 5 × 10−5)2.84 ± 0.43 (p = 2 × 10−3)
GDF8Myostatin266013.33 ± 4.86 (p = 1 × 10−3)27.65 ± 10.1 (p = 6 × 10−4)
PDGFDPlatelet-derived growth factor D8031010.76 ± 1.96 (p = 2 × 10−4)12.13 ± 2.20 (p = 1 × 10−4)
PENKProenkephalin51799.43 ± 3.37 (p = 2 × 10−3)13.30 ± 4.74 (p = 1 × 10−3)
ADCYAP1PACAP1167.88 ± 1.62 (p = 5 × 10−4)9.32 ± 1.90 (p = 4 × 10−4)
SLIT1Slit homolog 1 (Drosophila)65856.62 ± 0.83 (p = 1 × 10−4)29.49 ± 3.61 (p = 1 × 10−5)
PCSK2Subtilisin type convertase 251265.64 ± 1.33 (p = 2 × 10−3)16.28 ± 8.44 (p = 3 × 10−3)
NRG2Neuregulin 295424.61 ± 0.70 (p = 5 × 10−4)3.92 ± 0.61 (p = 8 × 10−4)
JMJD1CJumonji domain containing 1C2210373.10 ± 0.85 (p = 1 × 10−2)3.70 ± 0.99 (p = 7 × 10−3)
SCG2Chromogranin C78572.59 ± 0.65 (p = 2 × 10−2)6.22 ± 1.46 (p = 1 × 10−3)
DBIDiazepam binding inhibitor16222.08 ± 0.19 (p = 1 × 10−3)2.02 ± 0.19 (p = 2 × 10−3)
  • Microarray analysis was performed on total RNA extracted from three neurocytoma tumor resections, and the resulting expression profiles were compared against both normal adult human ventricular zone tissue (adult VZ) and nestin-sorted progenitors (adult NSP) obtained therein. Genes significantly expressed in neurocytoma were identified by t test against both adult VZ and adult NSP profiles. The union of those genes was then determined to identify a set of dysregulated genes overexpressed in neurocytoma. From the resulting list of 254 genes, 15 genes were annotated by GO and manual functional annotations as secreted growth factors, proteins, or ligands. This table indicates the ratio of neurocytoma gene expression relative to that of adult VZ or adult NSP; expression ratios are shown with SEs and the two-way t test p value. All genes reached statistical significance in both comparisons, using a 10% false discovery rate.