Table 3.

Functional categories/pathways altered with general aging and/or cognitive impairment

Receptor tyrosine phosphatase (P)AG patternsAG patterns
Signal transduction (P)    Neurogenesis (P)    Cell surface receptor (P)
Myosin/actin binding (C, F)    Signal transducer/receptor (F)    Coated vesicle/synapse (P,C)
Transcription factor activity (F)    Ca2+ signaling (P)    Microtubule cytoskeleton/actin binding (C, F)
Axonal growth    Steroid/nuclear receptor (C)    Calcium ion binding (F)
Lipid uptake/synthesis    Axonal growth    Axonal growth
    Lipid uptake/synthesis    Lipid uptake/synthesis
    Glucose oxidation
AI patternsAI patterns
    G-protein-coupled receptors (P)    G-protein-coupled receptor/response to stimulus (P)
    Organogenesis (P)
    IEG pathway
    Shh/Wnt signaling
    Glucose utilization
    Insulin signaling
Immune response (P)AG patternsAG patterns
Ion homeostasis/ transport (P)    Immune response (P)    Immune response (P)
Lipid/protein metabolism/transport (β-oxidation) (P)    Ion homeostasis/transport (P)    Cell adhesion (P)
Lysosome (C)    Lipid/ protein metabolism/binding (β-oxidation) (P, F)    Neg. reg. transcrip. (P)
Growth factor activity (F)    Lysosome (C)    Lipid/protein metabolism (P)
Cholesterol transport (LXR)    Cholesterol transport (LXR)    Lysosome (C)
cAMP/PKA pathway    Cholesterol transport (LXR)
TGF/BMP pathways    cAMP/PKA pathway
    TGF/BMP pathways
AI patternsAI patterns
    Oxidoreductase activity (F)    Activation of cell proliferation (P)
    Notch2 pathway    Organogenesis (P)
    Notch2 pathway
AU patternsAU patterns
    Receptor activity (P)    Hydrolase activity (F)
  • Gene categories are listed under each training condition by cognitive pattern and direction of change of most of their populating genes. Many of the categories listed under general aging (AG/NT) patterns (e.g., Axonal growth, Immune response) primarily comprised genes that were identified with AG/NT patterns under more than one training condition, whereas AI pattern pathways were more often identified under specific training conditions (e.g., IEGs at 5T). Categories/pathways with high proportions of coregulated genes were identified with EASE-based overrepresentation analysis of the Gene Ontology Database (P, Biological Process; C, Cell Component; F, Molecular Function) and by literature-based searches (boldface).