Table 3.

Results of somatic sensory testing of the patients in this series

Patient number, lesion typeWarm threshold unaffected a Warm threshold affectedCold threshold unaffectedCold threshold affectedCold stimuli, response b Cold pain threshold: unaffectedCold pain threshold: affectedHeat pain threshold: unaffectedHeat pain threshold: affectedBrushPuff of airVibration unaffectedVF detect (unaff vs aff)
8, Vc onlyLeg NANANANABrass rod, ″rubbing a sore″Alcohol drop, NDAcetone drop, less intense than unaffNANANANANormalBothersomeVibration aff ND at 128, 256 HzLeg (1.41 vs 4.2 g)
3, Vc onlyHand 36.436.730.029.920° C waterbath, Painful aff (4.8 ± 0.75) > unaff (3.2 ± 0.95, p = 0.008, t test) hyperalg8.66.35046.8PainfulNANANA
18, Vc plusHand 43.444.8 hypoesth bilat24.325.4 hypoesth bilatNA15.320.9 hyperalg>50>50PainfulNANAFoot sole (0.45 vs 1.04 g) c
13, Vc plusPlantar foot 48.548 hypoesth bilat2124.1 hypoesth bilatNA5.9<0 hypoalg (aff sens < unaff)48.548.4NonpainfulNANA1.0 vs 1.4
  • NA, Not available; ND, stimulus not detected; unaff, unaffected; aff, affected; VF, von Frey; sens, sensitivity; hypoesth bilat, hypoesthesia bilaterally; hyperalg, hyperalgesia; hypoalg, hypoalgesia.

  • aThresholds (in °C) are shown for each of the four thermal modalities (cool, warm, etc.) at sites as indicated in row 2. hypoesth/hypoalg indicates that the threshold is significantly different from the normal range (Greenspan et al., 2004). Hypoesth bilat indicates that the threshold values were significantly different from the normal range on both sides. Sens aff < or > unaff indicates that the threshold on this side indicated greater, or lesser, sensitivity to that stimulus modality than the other side.

  • bThe responses to application of a brass rod at room temperature, a drop of alcohol, and a drop of acetone to the affected side are stated with respect to the other (unaffected) side. On the unaffected side, the stimuli were routinely detected and rated as nonpainful cold.

  • cOnly available von Frey data.