Table 1.

Stereological cell counts of percentage of Cat-315 positive to total cell number

GroupnNondeprived (right), percentage of cells that are Cat-315+ (±SD)Deprived (left), percentage of cells that are Cat-315+ (±SD)p value (right vs left)
P30 control117.419125 ± 1.8515117.589479 ± 1.4625870.3878
P30 Trim107.395954 ± 1.782145.769441 ± 1.304703* 0.0034
Adult control45.598945 ± 0.682995** 5.67208 ± 0.940417** 0.8708
Adult Trim56.845911 ± 0.6978076.768525 ± 0.7942680.8673
Regrow86.352756 ± 1.8413293.286938 ± 1.622181*** 0.0003
  • Trim, Trimmed animals.

  • *p = 0.0015 compared with left hemisphere of P30 control;

  • **p < 0.05 compared with same hemisphere of P30 control;

  • ***p = 0.0014 compared with deprived hemisphere of P30 Trim.