Table 2.

Imagine to activate tasks: Z scores and MNI coordinates of peak activation foci

Hand rewardedFoot rewarded
Number of voxelsZNumber of voxelsZ
PMd10015.79 (−12, −3, 69)9975.94 (−12, −6, 72)
Left precentral gyrus63.29 (−48, 0, 54)
Right precentral gyrus684.79 (57, 0, 48)444.22 (57, 0, 48)
Right parietal (supramarginal gyrus)645.40 (60, −27, 51)475.47 (60, −27, 54)
Left parietal (supramarginal gyrus)794.49 (−36, −48, 60)
Left superior parietal gyrus714.35 (−18, −60, 69)
Right middle frontal gyrus53.51 (30, −3, 72)