Table 1.

Average (across subjects) connection strength between each seed region (left and right PMv or PMd) and each target region (parietal and prefrontal ROIs)

  • Data are percentages. Each value is divided by the sum of connections to all the targets, so as to be expressed as a percentage of its contribution to the total connections to all the targets. Any target mask with a contribution that was <0.2% for both PMv and PMd was excluded from further analyses. Note that the target region volumes are different for left and right seeds. lPMd, Left PMd; lPMv, left PMv; rPMd, right PMd; rPMv, right PMv; CG, cingulate gyrus; CS, cingulate sulcus; PFom, medial orbital prefrontal cortex (PF); PFoc, central orbital PF; PFol, lateral orbital PF; PFvl, ventrolateral PF; IPS_dl, lateral bank of the descending IPS; IPS_dm, medial bank of the descending IPS.