Table 1.

Mean deviation indices (± SD) for hand path, final posture, and hand speed for three models and four subjects in radial and frontal movement conditions

    10.0675 ± 0.03550.0837 ± 0.04170.2099 ± 0.09840.0548 ± 0.14810.0761 ± 0.17390.1081 ± 0.22590.1175 ± 0.09020.1175 ± 0.09020.3404 ± 0.0993
    20.0765 ± 0.04500.0859 ± 0.04920.1903 ± 0.11780.0619 ± 0.17320.1272 ± 0.22970.1240 ± 0.23130.1557 ± 0.09950.1557 ± 0.09950.3516 ± 0.1019
    30.0943 ± 0.06290.0996 ± 0.06600.2644 ± 0.12190.0518 ± 0.14040.0545 ± 0.14680.1637 ± 0.28570.1299 ± 0.08610.1299 ± 0.08610.4533 ± 0.0917
    40.0961 ± 0.06550.0970 ± 0.06570.2930 ± 0.11020.0570 ± 0.16430.0797 ± 0.19060.1498 ± 0.26960.1397 ± 0.09490.1397 ± 0.09490.4187 ± 0.0985
    10.0770 ± 0.04420.0878 ± 0.04760.2586 ± 0.08530.0346 ± 0.12790.0675 ± 0.15470.1102 ± 0.21290.1014 ± 0.08130.1014 ± 0.08130.3490 ± 0.1240
    20.0748 ± 0.05510.0811 ± 0.05390.2454 ± 0.08580.0628 ± 0.16210.1685 ± 0.24730.1954 ± 0.27120.1742 ± 0.10590.1742 ± 0.10590.3561 ± 0.1062
    30.0927 ± 0.06180.0977 ± 0.06440.3781 ± 0.10090.0604 ± 0.13370.0817 ± 0.15260.1591 ± 0.26910.1622 ± 0.10800.1622 ± 0.10800.4193 ± 0.0958
    40.0955 ± 0.03890.1053 ± 0.03410.3536 ± 0.07960.0315 ± 0.11750.0344 ± 0.09200.1022 ± 0.22850.1799 ± 0.11390.1799 ± 0.11390.4590 ± 0.1134