Table 4.

Reassessment of the three patients who initially had a pathological LESS index

CaseTime (weeks)ContraIpsiInter (LESS)ContraIpsiInterContraIpsiInter
B symm (%)U vert (%)B symm (%)U vert (%)B asymm (%)Corr vert (%)B asymm (%)Corr vert (%)Hor unilat (%)Vert unilat (%)Hor unilat (%)Vert unilat (%)
  • The interaction refers to the difference between contralesional (Contra) and ipsilesional (Ipsi) orienting with horizontally configured stimuli versus vertically configured stimuli. B, Bilateral; symm, symmetrical; asymm, asymmetrical; Hor, horizontal; Vert, vertical; U unilateral; corr, corresponding; Inter, interaction. Bold indicates significant difference from 10 age-matched healthy controls at two-tailed p< 0.05 (Crawford and Garthwaite, 2005); underlined, significantly different from controls at two-tailed p< 0.005.