Table 1.

Significant areas of activation from the active maintenance analysis (regressor 6) and the face processing analysis (regressor 2; threshold at p ≤ 0.001FDR)

Brain areast valuep value (FDR)MNI peak coordinates (mm)
Active maintenance analysis (regressor 6, DMS delay vs CON delay)
    L Orbitofrontal cortex7.84<0.001−4626−6
    L Middle frontal gyrus7.70<0.001−405614
    L Inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis)6.42<0.001−44308
    L Insula6.90<0.001−26328
    R Precentral gyrus5.22<0.00154646
    L Precentral gyrus4.890.001−40232
    Supplementary motor area7.72<0.00102048
    L Parahippocampal gyrus4.490.001−18−16−20
    L Amygdala3.630.005−18−4−20
    L Hippocampal body5.230.001−32−30−8
    R Parahippocampal/hippocampus6.86<0.00134−46−4
    L Inferior parietal cortex6.14<0.001−50−5052
    L Cerebellum6.33<0.001−42−54−28
Face processing analysis (regressor 2, DMS stimuli vs CON stimuli)
    R Inferior occipital cortex9.87<0.000150−74−14
    R Inferior temporal gyrus8.86<0.000158−62−10
    R Middle occipital gyrus7.71<0.000128−8218
    R Fusiform gyrus6.76<0.000124−80−14
    R Superior temporal sulcus6.50<0.000150−360
    L Inferior occipital cortex11.48<0.0001−40−74−14
    L Fusiform gyrus6.13<0.0001−40−60−18
    L Superior temporal sulcus6.67<0.0001−52−464
    R Orbitofrontal cortex10.87<0.00014030−8
    R Inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis)11.63<0.000150386
    R Insula14.64<0.000134282
    L Orbitofrontal cortex7.72<0.0001−5022−6
    L Inferior frontal gyrus (operculum)11.72<0.0001−461622
    L Insula12.91<0.0001−32260
    Supplementary motor area14.23<0.000123044
    R Cingulate gyrus12.32<0.0001102036
    R Anterior cingulate gyrus8.75<0.000163818
    L Parahippocampal cortex8.63<0.0001−16−36−6
    R Parahippocampal cortex8.16<0.000116−36−6
    L Amygdala6.54<0.0001−18−4−16
    R Amygdala7.51<0.0001202−20
    L Inferior parietal sulcus7.75<0.0001−36−5242
    R Inferior parietal sulcus7.78<0.000140−5248
    L Cerebellum7.15<0.0001−6−80−38
  • Peak coordinates in MNI space are listed using the Talairach coordinate system. t values are reported for magnitude of activation. Regional labels were derived using the WFU_pickatlas toolbox (Maldjian et al., 2003) in SPM2 and the AAL atlas provided with MRIcro (Rorden and Brett, 2000). L, Left; R, right.