Table 1.

Quantification of polarity of dendritic and axonal proteins in control and PKD1-KD-transfected neurons

ProteinNumber of cells analyzed (n)Polarity indexFluorescence intensity
    Control (nontransfected)2510.75 ± 2.52930 ± 28
    PKD1-WT259.25 ± 0.52927 ± 21
    PKD1-WT (S916A)254.11 ± 0.2*2950 ± 45
    PKD1-KD251.11 ± 0.1*2842 ± 86
    PKD1-KD (P155 G)2510.60 ± 1.83045 ± 65
    PKD1-KD (S916E)255.47 ± 0.1*3028 ± 62
LRP (endogenous)
    Control (nontransfected)2510.6 ± 2.2864 ± 48
    PKD1-KD251.38 ± 0.3*935 ± 20
    PKD1-KD (P155 G)258.8 ± 1.4880 ± 40
    shRNA PKD1251.45 ± 0.5*1025 ± 65
    Scrambled-shRNA PKD12510.8 ± 0.6940 ± 30
    Control (nontransfected)201.25 ± 0.22450 ± 110
    PKD1-KD201.36 ± 0.42480 ± 80
    Control (nontransfected)201.15 ± 0.2860 ± 20
    PKD1-KD201.20 ± 0.7886 ± 24
    Control (nontransfected)4216.9 ± 0.81250 ± 15
    PKD1-KD4218.2 ± 0.61265 ± 35
    Control (nontransfected)360.17 ± 0.04466 ± 24
    PKD1-KD360.13 ± 0.03480 ± 42
  • Values are mean ± SEM.

  • *Significantly different from the corresponding control group (p < 0.05). Polarity index was calculated as described in Materials and Methods by dividing the dendritic by the axonal average fluorescence intensity expressed in pixels. A nonpolarized distribution gives a value close to 1. Fluorescence intensity values are expressed in pixels; 14 bit images were used for this type of measurement. Fluorescent intensity measurements of TfR-GFP, endogenous LRP, GFP-VAMP2, L1-YFP, MAP2, or Tau were performed in the cell body of control and transfected neurons. At least 20 cells from three different cultures were analyzed for each experimental condition.