Table 2.

Regions from whole-brain and region-of-interest (small volume corrected) analysis that activated differentially during the A/B task and the A/non-A task

Brain regionVolumeSizeMax Zxyz
A/B > A/non-A (whole brain cluster corrected)
    R inferior parietal (BA 40)59687463.7958−3846
    L orbitofrontal (BA 47/11)30483813.9−3654−16
A/B > A/non-A (small volume corrected)
    L parahippocampus (BA 36)424533.13−20−6−30
A/non-A > A/B (whole brain cluster corrected)
    L Inf lateral occipital (BA 18)79129894.88−20−940
    R Inf lateral occipital (BA 19)62087764.3738−82−2
    L Sup parietal (BA 7)38244784.24−20−7036
    R Sup parietal (BA 7)36084513.7422−6448
A/non-A > A/B (small volume corrected)
    R putamen328413.472010−8
    R caudate head264333.241010−2
    L caudate body256324.27−10618
  • L, Left; R, right; Inf, inferior; Sup, superior; BA, Brodmann area; Max, maximum. Volume is given in mm3, and size is given in voxels. Coordinates reflect standard MNI space.