Table 3.

Peripheral m3D6 injection does not alter the number of microglial cells or the number of microglial processes per cell in 4-month-old PDAPP+/−;CX3CR1+/− mice

TreatmentNo. of processes all cortical areasNo. of cells all cortical areas
m3D63.5 ± 0.0712.9 ± 0.43
Noninjected3.6 ± 0.1212.0 ± 0.50
  • The number of microglial processes and the number of microglial cells were counted in three-dimensional reconstructed z-series stack images in 4-month-old PDAPP+/−;CX3CR1/GFP+/− mice injected with 500 μg of m3D6 and in noninjected (untreated) mice. Four mice were studied per treatment group, and 6–10 fields of view were imaged in each animal. Data are presented as mean ± SEM.