Table 2.

Neuropsychological performance of patients with VMPFC damage

Mean (SD)Range
    WCST categories3.71 (1.80)1.00–6.00
        Number of errors (Z)−0.51 (0.96)−1.75 to 0.87
        % Persev. errors (Z)−0.59 (1.32)−2.7 to 1.05
        Phonemic (Z)−0.97 (1.59)−2.93 to 1.22
        Semantic (Z)−0.84 (1.45)−2.76 to 0.94
        Oral (Z)−0.29 (0.83)−1.65 to 0.68
        Written (Z)0.09 (1.20)−1.89 to 1.37
        Part A (Z)−0.87 (1.31)−2.33 to 0.85
        Part B (Z)−1.38 (1.58)−2.88 to 0.62
Anterograde memory
        LM1 (SS)7.25 (2.31)4.00–11.00
        LM2 (SS)7.13 (2.70)4.00–13.00
        VPA1 (SS)5.75 (3.69)1.00–12.00
        VPA2 (SS)6.50 (3.34)3.00–13.00
        Recognition (SS)8.25 (3.11)5.00–14.00
        Immediate (Z)−1.40 (0.87)−2.75 to −0.60
        Delayed (Z)−1.70 (0.79)−2.75 to −0.92
        Trial 1 (Z)−1.35 (1.28)−2.68 to 0.37
        Delayed (Z)−1.70 (0.92)−3.41 to 0.56
        Delayed recognition (hits-FA) (Z)−1.33 (1.20)−3.20 to 1.54
Remote memory
        Childhooda7.00 (1.58)5.00–9.00
        Early adulthooda7.40 (1.82)5.00–9.00
        Recent (anterograde)b5.00 (3.16)0.00–8.00
        Childhoodc19.40 (1.34)18.00–21.00
        Early adulthoodd19.30 (1.03)18.00–20.50
        Recent (anterograde)e16.30 (5.68)8.50–21.00
  • The normative data for the tests were taken from the original manuals or from the sources referenced below. AMI, The Autobiographical Memory Interview (Kopelman et al., 1990); AMI-EM, event memory; AMI-Sem., semantic memory; RAVLT, Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RCFT, Rey's Complex Figure Test; SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test; TMT, Trails Making Test; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; Persev., perseverations; WMS, Wechsler Memory Scale III; LM1, logical memory immediate; LM2, logical memory delayed; VPA1, verbal paired associates immediate; VPA2, verbal paired associates delayed; SS, scaled score (cutoff for abnormal, ≤ 4); Z, Z score (cutoff for abnormal, ≤ −2).

  • aCutoff for abnormal, ≤ 3;

  • bcutoff for abnormal, ≤ 5;

  • ccutoff for abnormal, ≤ 11;

  • dcutoff for abnormal, ≤ 14;

  • ecutoff for abnormal, ≤ 17.