Table 1.

Relative presence of neuron types that are affected in Arx(GCG)10+7 mutants (WT, 100%)

Cortical layers I–IVCortical layers V–VIAll cortical layersHippocampusStriatum
ARX+68 ± 5*53 ± 13*58 ± 9*69 ± 15*49 ± 7*
CB28K+64 ± 9**77 ± 1467 ± 9**56 ± 1647 ± 6***
NPY+100 ± 5100 ± 11100 ± 7100 ± 1969 ± 8**
ChAT+39 ± 16***
  • The unit of measure is percentage of immunostained cells present in defined areas in brain sections of bregma 1.0 and 0.5, relative to WT values that were set at 100%. CB28K, Calbindin 28K; —, absence of ChAT + cells. Values are average ± SEM.

  • *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 versus wild type.