Table 2.

Bivariate correlations between mean 5-HTT binding and FDG-PET values

Brain regionHemisphere5-HTT availability correlations with NEC glucose metabolism (n = 34)Coordinates (relative to AC)
Pearson's rp (two-tailed)xyz
Amygdalohippocampal areaLeft0.2920.094−8.75−3.75−9.375
Genu of corpus callosumMidline0.4470.008010.6256.875
Amygdalohippocampal areaRight0.4790.0047.5−3.75−11.25
  • Mean 5-HTT values were extracted from each brain region of interest and residualized for the effects of age, gray matter probability, and DASB injection mass. Mean FDG values were extracted from each brain region of interest and residualized for the effects of age and gray matter probability. The FDG values were taken from the NEC component of the behavioral paradigm and therefore represent glucose metabolism in response to a potential threat. AC, Anterior commissure.