Table 1.

Effect of DPKQDFMRFamide on parameters of quantal synaptic recordings

Quantal contentEJC amplitude (mV)mEJC amplitude (mV)mEJC frequency (Hz)
  • The averages and SEM quantal content, EJC amplitude, mEJC amplitude, and mEJC frequency are shown for wild-type CS as well as for FR and DmsR-2 mutants. Both quantal content and EJC amplitude in CS larvae was increased following peptide application; however, there were no significant effects on either receptor mutant. There were no significant effects of the peptide on mEJC amplitude or mEJC frequency in any lines. Bold numbers with an asterisk reveal a statistically significant increase resulting from peptide application. Pre, Pre-DPKQDFMRFamide.