Table 2.

Differential cerebellar responses to unpleasant and neutral images by contrast analysis: IAPS, Unpls>Neu (z > 1.05)

ClusterMax ROIMNI (zmax)Max z-statVol (cm3)Composition
    1R VI39−51−262.793.6148% R VI; 45% R CrI
    2V IX1−57−382.1912.8025% L CrII; 14% L CrI; 12% L VIIb;
6% Vermis VI; 5% V IX; 5%L IX;
4% L VI; 4% R IX; 4% Vermis VIIIa;
4% R CrI; 3% R VI; 3% Vermis CrII;
2% Vermis VIIIb
    3L CrI−34−66−291.670.6086% L CrI; 13% L VI
    4L CrI−36−55−311.640.9264% L VI; 36% L CrI
    5L CrI−38−80−291.590.4493% L CrI
    6R VIIIb17−61−561.410.4156% R VIIIb; 44% R VIIIa
D Med−5−36−311.530.46
  • Thresholds were determined using Gaussian mixture modeling (Pendse et al., 2009). Cerebellar regions were identified using the SUIT probabilistic atlas of the human cerebellum (Diedrichsen et al., 2009). Minimum 7 voxels in acquired space (0.30 cm3). L, Left; R, right; CrI, Crus I; CrII, Crus II; D Med, dorsal medulla; Mid, midbrain.