Table 1.

Primary antibodies, dilutions, and sources used in experiments (see Materials and Methods), a sample reference in which the specificity of the antibody has been demonstrated, and the method used to validate the specificity of the antibody

MoleculeSpeciesDilutionSourceSpecificity referencesValidation method
PVMouse IgG1:10,000 1:3000 (EM)Swant, PV-28Celio et al., 1988Immunoblot of brain and muscle lysates
Rabbit IgG (used for PVCre mice)1:1000Calbiochem, PC255LMithani et al., 1987Western blot of rat brain and muscle lysates
SYPMouse IgM1:5000Millipore, mab sp15Honer et al., 1993Immunoblot of human brain lysates
Cav3.1Rabbit IgG1:100Alomone, ACC-021Ernst et al., 2009Western blot of brain lysates from transgenic mice overexpressing receptor; validated against Cav3.1 KO mouse (T. Snutch, personal communication)
TAU1Mouse IgG1:5000Millipore, mab3420Binder et al., 1985Immunoblot of rat brain lysates
ChATGoat IgG1:1000Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents, AB144PRaised against human placental enzyme; company testedWestern blot of mouse brain lysates