Table 1.

Significant (*p < 0.005, **p < 0.001) sources of the consistency effect (consistent − inconsistent) and the MNI coordinates of the source maximum

SignalBrain regionxyz
Background (consistent > inconsistent)Right middle temporal gyrus*57−11−26
Right inferior temporal gyrus*58−17−24
Right angular gyrus**36−6142
Object (inconsistent > consistent)Right superior frontal gyrus**126127
Right middle frontal gyrus**411755
Right inferior frontal gyrus**502427
Left middle frontal gyrus**−215519
Left superior temporal gyrus**−5016−28
Left middle temporal gyrus**−64−15−17
Left inferior temporal gyrus**−57−40−24
  • For background-related SSVEP, significant brain regions showed stronger activity in the consistent than in the inconsistent condition, while for the object-related SSVEP, significant brain regions showed stronger activity in the inconsistent than in the consistent condition.