Table 4.

SPM results for the location of the brain regions showing a significant positive correlation between the changes in CAARS A (inattention) with medication treatment (compared with measures obtained before treatment initiation) and the DA increases induced by intravenous MP obtained during the long-term treatment condition

RegionBA/nucleusCluster sizexyzT valuepcluster-corr
R medial frontalBA 910631838365.850.000
R medial frontalBA 802644
L cingulatedBA 24−14038
L thalamus527−38−3025.470.003
L superior temporalBA 22−46−246
L superior temporalBA 22−60−3412
L caudateBA 47955−1010−15.400.000
L putamen−388−20
L inferior frontal−4016−24
R putamen62940−4−25.050.001
R putamen32102
R VS260−6
  • L, Left; R, right.