Table 1.

Activation clusters related to attention to moving objects

Anatomical labelAnatomy toolboxCluster sizeZ-scoreMNI coordinates
R supramarginal gyrusIPC (PF)3086.375349.5−3942
R inferior frontal gyrus, pars orbitalisInsula4356.083634.525.5−9
L inferior parietal lobuleIPC (PF)985.9156−46.5−46.542
L inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularisBA 451165.7067−51180
R superior orbital gyrus705.695722.549.5−16.5
L superior medial gyrus3995.5315028.537.5
R inferior parietal lobulehIP1705.462842−5143.5
IPC (PGa)4.975342−52.552.5
L middle frontal gyrusBA 45245.3970−512731.5
R cerebellumlobule VIIa crus I1595.393742−55.5−37.5
L middle frontal gyrus255.3801−33510
R inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularisBA 452915.3671511837.5
BA 44/455.3484571828.5
BA 445.1530451231.5
L inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularisBA 45165.2272−37.525.527
BA 44/45215.1695−4222.59
BA 44/4575.0527−43.52725.5
L supramarginal gyrusIPC (PF)84.9995−63−46.524
R middle orbital gyrus54.98383055.5−9
(L) supplementary motor areaBA 6114.962601255.5
R inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularisBA 4514.9393481825.5
L inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularisBA 4414.9258−45213
L precentral gyrusBA 614.9121−454.549.5
  • Regions with enhanced activity in the ATTEND-MOVING condition versus the FIX-MOVING condition, thresholded at p < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons at the voxel level. The second column (Anatomy toolbox) gives labels described in more detail by Eickhoff et al. (2007). R, Right; L, left.