Table 1.

Results of the group-level ANOVA; peaks that demonstrate a significant main effect of speech type (p < 0.05, corrected family-wise for multiple comparisons)

F contrastCoordinates (mm)FVoxels in clusterLocationSimple effect(s)
Main effect: Speech Type−63−9−9125.571437L A STGIntell
57153100.19L STGIntell
3630971.31L Heschl's GIntell
5436670.20L P STG/STSIntell
4824668.29L Heschl's GIntell
51512126.13L Angular GIntell
42662418.11L Angular GIntell
60−3−674.74962R A STGIntell
5718374.08R P STGIntell
5761569.16R A STGIntell
5161551.82R A STSIntell
4536618.39R P STSIntell
−30−811520.2428L M Occipital GOther
48−602118.0947R Angular GOther
0213918.0122A CingulateNoiseElev
−15−693617.9221L PrecuneusOther
−39−3316.803L InsulaOther
3618−316.5219R A InsulaNoiseElev
−3315−616.0931L A InsulaNoiseElev
−48−78−315.9518L M Occipital GOther
63−48013.893R M Temporal GOther
−30−54−613.721L Fusiform GOther
−5134813.721L Premotor CNoiseElev
  • Bold entries represent the most significant peak in the cluster; italics indicate significant subpeaks within the cluster. L, Left; R, right; P, posterior; A, anterior; I, inferior; S, superior; G, gyrus. Simple effects were determined with t contrasts: Intell, intelligibility-related response, NoiseElev, moise-elevated response; Other, demonstrates the main effect but neither of the tested simple effects.