Table 1.

Primary afferent glutamatergic innervation of S2 VF neurons with crossed rostral projections

LaminaVF cellsVF + Aff + VGluT1LaminaVF cellsVF + Aff + VGluT2
IV, V6511IV, V6213
VII, X24751VII, X23748
Total number37567Total number32666
  • The laminar distribution of S2 VF neurons contacted by sacral primary afferents with VGluT1 (VF + Aff + VGluT1) or VGluT2 (VF + Aff + VGluT2) immunoreactivity. Data are based on retrograde labeling of cut VF axon bundles at the lumbosacral junction, anterograde labeling of the contralateral sacrocaudal afferents entering the S2/S3 dorsal root, and immunostaining for VGluT1 (2 experiments) or VGluT2 (4 experiments). Colocalization was determined only for VF neurons with clear putative SCA contacts using high-power confocal imaging (see Fig. 4), and thus may underestimate the extent of innervation by VGluT IR primary afferents.