Table 2.

The density of fluorescent processes in the pineal gland 2 months after bilateral crushing of the CST

Density of fluorescent processes% of respective sham-operated control
Sham23 ± 3100%
CST crush7 ± 230%
Sham + α-MNE20 ± 3100%
CST crush + α-MNE15 ± 175%
  • The density of fluorescent processes of sections of pineal glands was analyzed 2 months after bilateral crushing of the CST (CST Crush) or a sham operation (Sham). Two groups of animals were injected with α-methylnorepinephrine (α-MNE) 1 h before removal of their pineal glands (CST Crush + α-MNE; Sham + α-MNE). The density of fluorescent processes (±SEM) is the number of fluorescent processes counted divided by the number of grid points analyzed and multiplied by 100. Each group contains three to four pineal glands.